Ora-00600 KFRVALACD30
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本文链接地址: Ora-00600 KFRVALACD30
今天客户提到他们有套环境多次遇到ora-00600 kfrvalacd30这个问题;处理办法都是amdu抽取文件并重建diskgroup。这个错误我印象比较深刻,之前貌似处理过。
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Errors in file /opt/oracle/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM1/trace/+ASM1_ora_24608.trc: ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfrValAcd30], [DG_ORA], [1], [4], [12], [5], [12], [], [], [], [], [] Abort recovery for domain 2 |
类似上述错误;实际上Oracle mos也有关于该错误的介绍:
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ORA-600 [kfrValAcd30] signaled when the expected change sequence doesn't match with the sequence we find, during the recovery of the diskgroup. This is some kind of inconsistency in the ACD block which is usually caused by a platform specific install/operational issue. It may also happen if there is any IO or storage issue . This should be further investigated by the OS/Storage vendor. SOLUTION The only way to resolve this is by recreating the respective diskgroup |
Oracle认为这是存储或者OS问题导致asm acd block的元数据不一致了;搜索mos也发现了几个Bug;在bug在11.2.0.1/ 都存在。
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NOTE: cache mounting (first) external redundancy group 1/0xE6CCE718 (DG_DATA) NOTE: starting recovery of thread=1 ckpt=22.769 group=1 (DG_DATA) Errors in file /u01/app/grid/diag/asm/+asm/+ASM/trace/+ASM_ora_3001.trc (incident=77050): ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfrValAcd30], [DG_DATA], [1], [22], [769], [23], [769], [], [], [], [], [] |
ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kfcChkAio01], [], [], [], [], [], [], []之类错误;处理方法也不复杂。
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