Goldengate monitor v11.1 Configure for Linux X86
首先安装去oracle官网下载java,ogg 11.1要求至少是java 1.6以上。我这里下载的是1.6. […]
首先安装去oracle官网下载java,ogg 11.1要求至少是java 1.6以上。我这里下载的是1.6. […]
关于goldengate 的监控,oracle也推出了相关监控产品,那就是goldengate monitor […]
+++++++ 详解物化视图日志 前面讲了物化视图日志创建的几种方式,这里详细讲解关于物化视图日志相关的一些东 […]
上一篇对oracle中物化视图有了一些基本了解,知道物化视图日志的创建方式。在这篇文章中,将重点讲解 物化视图 […]
++++++ Oracle 物化视图学习笔记之一 ++++++++ 首先描述几个术语,如下: 基表:也就是我们 […]
昨天跟惜分飞吃饭,期间谈到了恢复的场景中可能遇到需要从dmp文件获取表结构的情况,例如当你 使用ODU/dul […]
前面进行了1对1的复制(支持ddl),这里进行1对多的复制,下面是完整的过程。 说明: 源端 — […]
昨晚网友发来一份awr报告,希望帮忙分析一下。由于其他信息都没有,仅仅只有一份awr,鉴于目前有大多的朋友还不 […]
前面进行了goldengate的单向复制(支持ddl),但是很多内容对于新手来说,比较模糊。 这一篇重点描述, […]
####### Oracle Goldengate 11.2 Configuretion–10ga […]
今天突然看到惜分飞的网站上描述关于global_name设置为空的文章,想起以前老熊和dbsnake也都 写过 […]
应群中网友要求,简单总结下11gR2环境中awr的相关脚本,我的11gR2环境里面有如下脚本: [crayon […]
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SQL> show user USER is "ROGER" SQL> create table tab_recover(object_id) 2 as select object_id from sys.dba_objects where rownum < 101; Table created. SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIM ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- --------- 1 1 34 52428800 1 YES INACTIVE 4469425 01-AUG-12 2 1 35 52428800 1 YES INACTIVE 4489487 01-AUG-12 3 1 36 52428800 1 NO CURRENT 4489640 01-AUG-12 SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ ---------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- 3 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo03.log NO 2 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo02.log NO 1 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo01.log NO SQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) file#, 2 dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) blk# 3 from tab_recover; FILE# BLK# ---------- ---------- 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 4 7500 .............. 4 7500 100 rows selected. SQL> SQL> alter system switch logfile; System altered. SQL> select * from v$log; GROUP# THREAD# SEQUENCE# BYTES MEMBERS ARC STATUS FIRST_CHANGE# FIRST_TIM ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- --- ---------------- ------------- --------- 1 1 37 52428800 1 NO CURRENT 4489744 01-AUG-12 2 1 35 52428800 1 YES INACTIVE 4489487 01-AUG-12 3 1 36 52428800 1 YES ACTIVE 4489640 01-AUG-12 SQL> select * from v$logfile; GROUP# STATUS TYPE MEMBER IS_ ---------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --- 3 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo03.log NO 2 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo02.log NO 1 ONLINE /home/ora10g/oradata/roger/redo01.log NO SQL> delete from tab_recover where rownum <2; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> delete from tab_recover where rownum <2; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> delete from tab_recover where rownum <2; 1 row deleted. SQL> commit; Commit complete. SQL> conn /as sysdba Connected. SQL> shutdown abort; ORACLE instance shut down. SQL> |
一个朋友的rac数据库遇到一个问题,报错ora-00600 [kddummy_blkchk],开始以为是普通的 […]
群中一位网友的问题,logical standby 同步create tablespace操作,遇到如下问题: […]
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SQL> conn roger/roger Connected. SQL> set lines 150 SQL> create table tab_undo as select owner,object_name,object_id from 2 sys.dba_objects where object_id < 10; Table created. SQL> select * from tab_undo; OWNER OBJECT_NAME OBJECT_ID ------------------------------ ------------------------------ ---------- SYS I_FILE#_BLOCK# 9 SYS C_FILE#_BLOCK# 8 SYS I_TS# 7 SYS C_TS# 6 SYS CLU$ 5 SYS TAB$ 4 SYS I_OBJ# 3 SYS C_OBJ# 2 8 rows selected. SQL> select dbms_rowid.rowid_relative_fno(rowid) file#, 2 dbms_rowid.rowid_block_number(rowid) blk# 3 from tab_undo; FILE# BLK# ---------- ---------- 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 4 6444 8 rows selected. SQL> delete from tab_undo where object_id=9; 1 row deleted. SQL> select xidusn,xidslot,xidsqn,ubablk,ubafil,ubarec from v$transaction; XIDUSN XIDSLOT XIDSQN UBABLK UBAFIL UBAREC ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 14 37 374 17310 9 47 SQL> select usn,name from v$rollname where usn=14; USN NAME ---------- ------------------------------ 14 _SYSSMU14$ SQL> alter system dump datafile 4 block 6444; System altered. SQL> select count(*) from tab_undo; COUNT(*) ---------- 7 SQL> alter system dump undo header '_SYSSMU14$'; System altered. |
—– […]
今天群里以网友提问说遇到ORA-08102错误,该错误报错如下: ORA-08102: index key n […]
如下是一个简单的11gR2 rac add node( for aix 7.1)的步骤: [c […]
oracle 昨天发布了2012年第3季度cpu和psu,第2季度的详细信息请参考:版本P […]
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一个图形化界面更改数据库字符集的工具。我们知道10g之前都是直接alter 更改, 10g提供了Csscan和 Csalter,但是仍然是命令行的,从10.开始,就有次gui 工具,那就是The Database Migration Assistant for Unicode,简称DMU。 首先说说这个工具有啥用,其实只是将字符集更改为UTF8或AL32UTF8时可以使用的,针对不同的版本有个说明: Please do note however there are is a serverside patch needed for using DMU. This means DMU can be used to change a database on a version / platform combination for which patch 9825461 is available. The DMU server side patch 9825461 is included in and up and so available on all platforms as of For Unix platforms see the table on note that fact that : * the version of the patch 9825461 can be applied on the, and PSU ( Patch 12419331) -> note that using dmu with ( Patch 12827726 ) - and up - is not possible * for you need to be an the exact listed PSU level , which is (Patch 9952216) * for you need to be an the exact listed PSU level , which is (Patch 9952228) * the version of the patch 9825461 can be applied on the,, and PSU ( Patch 11724962 ) -> note that using dmu with ( Patch 12419392 ) - and up - is not possible * for you need to be an the exact listed PSU level , which is ( Patch 9352164) For windows the needed serverside fixes ( patch 9825461 ) are included in these windows patch sets * Patch 46 or later * Patch 10 or later * Patch 39 or later * Patch 12 or later * Patch 6 or later * - not needed, fix included in |